Green Millions Review- Scam Broker Complaint

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Green Millions Review – An Introduction


Green Millions is an online program that has come up in 2019. The companies selling pitch or their tagline is “Earn millions from the rapidly growing cannabis industry”. Now that sounds like a get-rich-quick scheme, if there ever was one. But we’ll look into the company more to see if that is the case. The company seems to talk about the growing cannabis industry and trading that comes along with it and how it is riding a “wave of success”. While it is true that cannabis trading has grown ever since the loosening of regulation for medicinal and recreational purposes, the real picture is not as beautiful as Green Millions paints. Matter of fact if you look at the cannabis stocks you see that the stocks are currently returning at -9.72 % per year. So it seems clear that there is not as much money as the scamster companies would lead you to believe.


About Green Millions


While the company boasts about the growing cannabis trading industry because of the recent loosening of regulatory laws, it seems to be riding the usual hype train of the cannabis craze. There have been numerous scamster and fraudulent companies that have been coming up with the promise of making millions based on cannabis. And like most of these companies, Green Millions also fails to explain how it plans to do this. In reality the website for the company isn’t even actually a trading platform.


To get a better idea let’s look at the origins of the company. As one would expect with a scamster company there seems to be no mention of the founders of the company or the leadership of this company. Even the name of the owner for the domain has been kept hidden. The company does not have a physical location mentioned anywhere. It seems the company goes out of its way to stay anonymous.


Another scamster like trait seems to be that the company advertises to have no charges. But the truth is much different. In reality when you sign up with Green Millions they actually make you open an account with an unregulated and unlicensed broker. As soon as you sign up, the broker asks you for a minimum deposit of 250 USD. And you can rest assured that the company will be asking you for some more funds in the coming time. 


Also a closer look at the website and the sales pitch that they use for their primary advertising, turns out to be just another clone website of many other scamster websites that have come up in the past. The same website has gone online with different names like Cannabis Craze and Cannabis Profit. These companies have already been proven to be scamsters and have been warned against.


The most prominent red flag that any trader or investor would notice with Green Millions is the fact that the company is not regulated and does not hold a licence by any financial regulator that allows it to offer any financial services, anywhere on the globe. This basically means that the company is operating illegally. Also the company is hard to get in touch with. The only way to get customer service or any support is by filling out a form that is present on the website. This form doesn’t tell you how long you will have to wait to get a response though.


The Verdict


We would warn investors who get attracted by the cannabis trading scam. It could seem attractive, with misleading ads about high returns and you having control of your funds, but it seems to have a lot of characteristics of a scamster company.